Senin, 20 Mei 2013


Hey you that disturber. Can you please just don't bother me? I'm tired of your freaking dramas! Can you just think positive? Can you just think that positive thought can make you feel peace? Are you really looking for problems? Especially problems with me?
Hey. I'm not trying to be rude or cruel or mean. But this is serious. I cannot accept those who disturbs my life especially my mind! Do not try make me angry because you'll just gonna ruin yourself.

I'm so good to be a friend and I'm so evil to be an enemy, so please be careful. Do not try to play me, my mind or my life because you're just gonna ruin yourself. I won't do a revenge. It'll just gonna show itself to you, I mean it'll come by itself.

The real thing is you're just FUCKING JEALOUS of me. Your FUCKING date doesn't like you anymore and he FUCKING LIKES ME. Please, DO NOT BLAME ME. That's not my FUCKING MISTAKE!
That's your problem with him and please DO NOT FUCKING ASK ME YOUR DRAMAS QUESTIONS!
Ask your FUCKING SELF why he doesn't FUCKING LIKE you anymore.

That's why I don't like making a new friend with a stranger girl that suddenly add me or follow my twitter then suddenly ask me about a person who's actually your reason of trying to give me your FUCKING dramas questions!

I am so sorry about my bad words, but this is an honesty. I cannot hide this.......
as Imam Ali a.s said, women can keep their logging even for hundred years but women can't keep their hatred even for 1 minute.


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