Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

And I'm Sorry

The first thing I want to say in the beginning of this post is, I am truly sorry.

I know that you don't know me so well but I acted like you are close to me. I felt like we had a heart to heart talk. But we didn't. You couldn't understand what I meant. You took everything so serious meanwhile we should've had fun times and I was trying to make a joke. You thought I was rude but I didn't mean to or maybe I was overreact.

Please, let me tell about myself.
I am a girl who was born in a warm family. My parents named me Daytona Rizkiani. Daytona was a name of a town and Rizki was about fortunes which my parents got when they have me and Ani just a random name which I haven't known what is the meaning of that name.
My family turned to be so random since my dad made a mess. My dad hooked up with someone that I don't really want to talk. It was when I was 5 years old. My mom found it out but I really didn't know when it was. But I remember that my dad left me, my mom and my older sister when I was in primary school at the 3rd grade. He never sent money for us. My mom couldn't afford my expensive school payment and for everything so she sold our lovely house, motorcycle, cars and the things inside our house. That was pretty sad but I didn't really understand because I was just 8 years old. We moved to my grandma's house. We lived there. My dad left us for about 1 and a half year.
He came back when I was in 4th grade. He came back just for about 2 weeks and then he left again.
I found out my mom was pregnant 2 months after my dad's arrival. My dad never came anymore. He even never sent money for us too. For my mom who was pregnant at that moment. My mom took a job. She made a business. She was good at cooking so she made a catering business. She was so strong.
Me. I always helped her. When she wanted anything for the baby, I tried to buy anything to her. I even never used my pocket money just for buying her favorite ice cream. I bought it when I got home from school. We ate it together. One for two. That was so sweet.
9 months passed. My mom needed to give birth but she didn't feel like her water was broken.
She went to the small hospital and they said that my mom had to take a surgery. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't afford to pay it. I worried about it. I called my dad. I tried to reach him but I failed. My mom said I didn't have to be worry. She said she would be okay as long as I took a rest at home.
and then I came home. I went to the hospital on the next day. I saw my dad there. I felt so happy. He wanted to take a responsibility of it. I was so grateful. And then my little sister was born. We lived together. Me, my mom, my dad and my sisters.

I think that's enough because if I tell it all, it's gonna take 1 hour for you to read these unimportant thing :D

Lets get to the point.
I'm studying about Multimedia which contains art things. I get used to be bullied. But it's fun. I don't take it too serious. Their comment really hurts but it doesn't matter for me..
and now I really am a person that like to bully people. It's a tradition. LOL
I'm sorry.
Trully sorry.
I've liked you. I would never want to hurt you..

xoxo Something 


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