Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Karma does exist

Soooo, we broke up about 1 week ago. He played my feeling. What the...
It was soo soo pain. I swear to God. I cried every single night but I tried to always smile at school and in the front of my parents. I didn't want to make them worry about me.
I had exams at that moment. I felt so so down and my scores got down too.
I didn't study, I just slept every single day. I felt like he broke me into pieces!

Someone ever said that God makes a broken heart people's wishes come true, and actually it's right. I believe it. I just wished that he would get something which can make him learn to be patient.
I never wanted to talk to another guy, but suddenly he told me to follow his Twitter. I even deleted my twitter account about 2 years ago. But then I just checked his twitter. He talked to girls like they were so close. Jeez. I was so jealous. I swore!
Then I cried but suddenly I didn't know why, I talked to guys. My best friend and a guy who was my school mate but actually I never knew him till that time (his name is Maeil).
I felt close with Maeil. I liked him and he was being honest that he loved me even we just met about 3 to 5 days.
He said that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I just said, "why don't we meet first? then you can ask me again if you want to"
then he agreed.
I told my ex about it and then he just asked me to get back to him. what the...
I ignored. I was just exhausted.

then I actually haven't known why. I havent had feeling to my ex anymore.
but he's tried so so hard to get back to me. but I've always ignored him.
Now,  he's got the pain which is really breaks his heart.
you know what? it's not because of me. but God just gives him the feeling that I felt because of him.

please follow my twitter to know more about love..
I'm not master of it, but I honestly know it so well.
my twitter : @dayrizani
thank you.. <3

Kamis, 06 September 2012

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Thank You

Dear someone that gave me motivates for my life.
I really wanted to cry while you were saying about me. About who I am, what I look like.
Yes, you were definitely true. It's me. You've known me for 9 months, but you've known everything about myself. WOW, what are you? LOL. You're so interesting. Hehe.
I really appreciated your motivates. I want to try them. You were definitely right. I really depends on HOPE. I hope, yes I hope that. But it doesn't mean that it must to be like what I hope. That's definitely true. now, I realize about that :D
Thank you so much dear my teacher.
So now, I just have to make a right decision. I don't have to understand about the key of my problem because you made me realize about that. Aaaah, feel better today.
I want to cry with my bf holds me tight. LOL
Once again, I thank you for that :)

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

10 days off school!

aaaahh. it was a wonderful event ever~! :D
we took so many photos, with Dwicky and Rafa~
want to stay with them forever, but I have to come back to my new life and new sorrow LOL
I love you guys. I love you more than I love my own cousins :p