Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Thank You

Dear someone that gave me motivates for my life.
I really wanted to cry while you were saying about me. About who I am, what I look like.
Yes, you were definitely true. It's me. You've known me for 9 months, but you've known everything about myself. WOW, what are you? LOL. You're so interesting. Hehe.
I really appreciated your motivates. I want to try them. You were definitely right. I really depends on HOPE. I hope, yes I hope that. But it doesn't mean that it must to be like what I hope. That's definitely true. now, I realize about that :D
Thank you so much dear my teacher.
So now, I just have to make a right decision. I don't have to understand about the key of my problem because you made me realize about that. Aaaah, feel better today.
I want to cry with my bf holds me tight. LOL
Once again, I thank you for that :)


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