Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

You're A Madicine

There's a thing I wanna tell before I tell a story just like the title..
I was having heartache. It was terrible. I tried to be patient, to get happiness again, to enjoy my life without someone who WAS the reason I got blinded with. Blinded by him. Blinded by his love. I fell in love. That was wrong. I chose a wrong way. I shouldn't fall in love, because everything that falls, will get hurt. Yeah. It was definitely true. I agreed.
1 month after that terrible thing happened. There was someone who's I actually have met since I was in 8th grade. But we got lost contact since I fell in love with a wrong person. Well, actually I liked him when I was in 8th grade, but there was a thing which made me disappeared from him. It was because he dated a girl who was I really hate. Actually I didn't hate her but I just didn't like her so much. 
Let's to the point.
Suddenly, I talked to him again after that terrible thing happened. Suddenly he gave me an idea. We made a plan to made videos of songs cover. He wanted me to sing. Well, honestly my voice isn't that good like he thought but I'll do practice because it's fun.
He has made me get my spirit again. He woke me up from my adversity. I honestly hope that someday I won't fall in love with him, I just hope that I will be in love with him. I don't wanna get fall, no more. Because I know that I'll get hurt if I fall in love.
That was my thought.
We talked, talked and talked. We got closer, closer and closer. 
I loved the things he loved. I hated the things he hated. Were we match each other? I thought I had a feeling that he liked me at that time. And yeah. He did. He told me and I really couldn't believe it!
I never thought that we could have a relationship, more than friends.
Oh God. I'm in love. I just wish that we're gonna lasting till God separates us. But God, please don't ever separate me with him..
I feel so safe and sound with him. 

No matter what, I won't let something breaks us.....
I love him~ >.<
Why do I say that you're a medicine?
Because you heal my heart. You heal the pain because of fell down in love.

Thank you isn't enough for it. But my love, I think it's gonna fill my moral duty to you..


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